Some FAQs from our clients about identecoHR Software…

How can we help you? If your question isn’t answered here, then get in touch via our contact page or call 01527 386 624 to speak to one of our team.

How will identeco help my business?

Q. My company is quite small. Would we benefit from the software?

A. Both T&A and our HR Toolkit are extremely flexible pieces of software, built with an SME in mind. The products can be scaled up or scaled down in line with your business’ exact needs.

Q. If I have a HR Manager, will I need this software?

A. identecoHR would appeal to anyone that is responsible for HR and all the responsibilities that sit within this department – this could be business owners, office managers or HR Managers.

Q. Will this calculate accrued holiday/annual leave for part timers?

A. Yes. The software will accurately calculate time off allowance for both part-time, temporary and full-time employees as well as clearly show accrued and taken holiday.

Q. Is the software suitable for agency staff and temporary workers?

A. Yes, it’s straightforward to upload new staff details and any relevant working hours.

Q. Can the software deliver reports on clocking-in behaviour, hours worked etc?

A. Our Toolkits allow you to build bespoke reports and generate data easily – this can be automated to deliver the reports on a specific day or time.

Q. Can employees request holiday via the software?

A. Employees can access the software to request time off and view holiday taken/remaining. The Manager or person responsible for holiday approval will then be notified with an alert of any clashes with other department members to help with contingency planning. The holiday can be approved or declined, and confirmation sent to the employee – all at the touch of a few buttons/

Q. Will this integrate with our payroll department?

A. One of the most popular elements of identecoT&A and identecoHR is that it speaks to your payroll software. Not only does this avoid costly errors but it can save employees manually inputting data.

Q. I only need the T&A Toolkit – can I take it on its own?

A. Yes. We can provide both pieces of software in one package, or you can take either elements on their own. Speak to our team today for a competitive rate.

Q. Is there day to day support if I need it?

A. We have a team of HR experts, who use the product day in day out at the end of the phone should you have a question. We also have a support team of developers who will be on hand should you need any technical support. In addition, we provide onboarding training or ongoing training that can be taken at your offices or at ours.

Creating a New Starter...

Q. When I create a new person in identecoHR, there isn’t anywhere to record their mobile telephone number – where can I hold this information in identecoHR?

A. Once you have created the person, if you open the Modify Basic Details window and click the ‘Address’ heading, you will see that you can enter multiple addresses for that person. The ‘Type’ field lets you pick different types of address, one of which is ‘Mobile Phone.’ Click the ‘New’ button first, then select ‘Mobile Phone’ from the list of Types. Enter the number in the Telephone Number field and click the ‘Update’ button – this will add ‘Mobile Phone’ to your list of addresses for that person.

Managing Locations...

Q. I have people working for me who work in several different places. identecoHR only lets me specify one Location on the Job Details window – is there any way that I can specify other work locations for my employees?

A. You could use the Address feature of identecoHR for this purpose. identecoHR lets you specify as many addresses for each person as you want, so you could create new address types of ‘Work Location MON’, ‘Work Location TUE’, ‘Work Location WED’, etc. and use these to record the different work locations for each person. To create new address types, open the ‘System Setup’ menu option and select ‘Address Types.’ These address types will then be available on the Modify Basic Details window, where you can enter multiple addresses for someone.

The Calendar View...

Q. I have some black boxes appearing on the Calendar when I view it for someone – what does this mean?

A. A day appears in black when there is more than one activity on that day. If you hover over that day with your mouse then you will see a list of the activities for that day. You can also double click that day, which will present you with a sub-menu, from which you can choose to open any of those activities that are applicable to that day.

Q. I have some dark grey boxes appearing on the Calendar – what do these mean?

A. A dark grey box appears on the Calendar when there is more than one absence on that day – these are called overlapping absences. You can hover over that day on the Calendar, and you will see a list of the absences that exist on that day. You can also double click on that day, and select which absence you want to open.

List All Reporting...

Q. I did a List All on the Absence Reasons window to find all my employees who have a Sickness absence, but not all employees appeared in the results. One of them had a Holiday absence booked after their Sickness – could this have something to do with it and if so, does identecoHR only ever look at the latest absence when it does a List All?

A. By default, List All will only check the latest absence, but you can change this on the List All Options window. The ‘Historical Searches Only’ section of this window tells the List All feature whether you want to search the latest entry only, or all entries, or even a specific time period, e.g. you may only want to select people who have had a Sickness absence in the last three months. These settings are specific to your user, so you can change them without affecting any other identecoHR users in your company.

Q. I ran a List All, but it included people who had left – I only want people who are still working for me to appear in the results. How can I do this?

A. By default, List All will check all the people in identecoHR. If you want to ignore people who have left, then you can do this by opening the ‘List All Options’ window, and un-ticking the ‘Include people who have left’ box. The List All Options are specific to your user, so you can change them without affecting any other identecoHR users in your company. The options that you select will be remembered each time you log into identecoHR.

Q. I did a List All the other day, but it included people who had left, which I did not want. I clicked the ‘Modify this search’ button and un-ticked the ‘Include people who have left’ box. This worked fine, but later on in the day I did another List All, and it included people who had left again! Why doesn’t identecoHR remember what I asked for the first time?

A. The ‘Modify this search’ button lets you change the options for that particular search only, i.e. they are temporary settings. Once you close the List All results window, those settings are forgotten. You can change the permanent settings for List All by clicking the List All Options window – the options that you choose here will be used for every List All that you do from that point on, and will even be remembered when you log out and back into identecoHR. These options will be specific to your user, so you can even change them to satisfy your own requirements, without affecting any other identecoHR users in your company.

Brought to you by Controlaccount


identecoHR is a collaboration of HR & Development specialists who are bringing together their skills to provide SMEs with a cost effective, efficient solution to businesses.



If you have any questions about our services, please get in touch via our Contact Us page or using one of the contact methods below:

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