Installation and Support

identecoHR T&A expertise is available at solution design, installation, set-up and ongoing support and maintenance for all software and installed devices. From initial requirements gathering to keeping you, your users and the equipment and solutions up to date – we are only a call away.

Whether our Clients select only our software or add our hardware solutions for additional ID verification to improve security, we will tailor our services and solutions. We will use our best practice approaches and our know-how, to maximise impact for your company. IdentecoHR put our Clients’ businesses at the heart of ours – to solve your issues and challenges.

How we work with you:

  • Software Set-up – our collaborative design approach ensures your specific needs for software configuration is fully understood from the outset. Our out of the box identecoHR T&A, SMS Communications or Asset Management software can be easily set-up by your designated administrator using the intuitive User Interface and training manual / documentation. We will also provide initial guidance and can help further with a more hands-on approach where and when required.

    Our identecoHR T&A experts can help to import standard lists or integrate to your existing systems, create unique solutions or customisations as required to fit your business needs.

  • Hardware Installation – installation and set-up of hardware devices are included in the ongoing fees and charges for your selected devices. We recommend standard solutions, but are flexible and can work with you in order to select alternatives as required. Touchscreen technology is offered as a standard device with further keypad, fingerprint or other biometric devices available on request.

    Selected hardware will need power and ethernet internet connectivity as standard. (WIFI or even mobile data connectivity can be customised if required.) Our identecoHR T&A engineers will work with you for your specific location requirements as we recognise that different door entry points and locations will have different set-ups and configurations.

    During our discussions, we will work you to develop a specific, tailored design and work with you to ensure it complies with your business requirements. As a deliverable, we will create a specific software plan, installation specification, itemised component schedule and programme of works for our joint agreement.

  • Support and Maintenance – standard working hours online and telephone support for software and hardware are included within our fees. Onsite equipment is robust and selected specifically to ensure minimal intervention at any time. Systems are upgraded as required and carried out under ISO9001 and ISO27001 policies and procedures.

    Our helpdesk is manned and available 8am – 6pm daily for all day-to-day issues and questions that may be encountered. Equipment breakdowns are covered by a 48hr Service Level for repair or replacement.

    identecoHR will capture any further requirements during requirements gathering and solution design in the recognition that some businesses and operating models may require more immediate attention in critical situations and out-of-hours.

    We look forward to discussing with you how we can support you and your needs. Please contact us today to organise a demonstration or talk to us about your requirements.

Our Process

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identecoHR is a collaboration of HR & Development specialists who are bringing together their skills to provide SMEs with a cost effective, efficient solution to businesses.



If you have any questions about our services, please get in touch via our Contact Us page or using one of the contact methods below:

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